Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Digital and Collaborative Tools for Antiquity Studies
Chapter | Perceptual, Grammatical and Hermeneutical Dimensions of Digitality

Perceptual, Grammatical and Hermeneutical Dimensions of Digitality


Taking the work on the graphemic and morphemic analysis of the cuneiform texts of Ebla as a starting point, the paper reviews the ‘grammatical’ criteria that make digital coding not only more efficient and dynamic, but also intellectually more in tune with the goal of establishing an argument and unfolding a narrative. This throws light on aspects of software application on the one hand (such as the semantic web) and of the digital humanities on the other, ranging from textual to archaeological data.

Open access

Submitted: Aug. 14, 2017 | Published Nov. 29, 2017 | Language: en

Keywords DigitalityGrammarHermeneuticsPrehistorySemantic webDigital thoughtPerceptionNarrative

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