Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Digital and Collaborative Tools for Antiquity Studies
Chapter | Alcuni problemi teorici e pratici posti dalle digital libraries

Alcuni problemi teorici e pratici posti dalle digital libraries


In this article we will point out the substantial difference between ‘digital edition’ and ‘informatic edition’: the first one (DH = Digital Humanities) is the simple digitalisation of a manuscript or a printed text; the second one (HC = Humanities Computing) is an edition created by taking into account the potential of the computer itself and with the intention of exploiting the texts completely. This implies that the informatic edition is designed and built in accordance with the basic laws that allow us to give instructions to a computer (completeness, expediency, univocity, no contradiction, no redundancy, etc.). The key word of an informatic edition is encoding, which is the basis for the scientificity of the edition. Moreover, the possibility of using the computer and its potential to enjoy the text depend on it. Finally, we will deal with the different ways of disseminating the texts, noting some radical differences between the traditional editorial circuit, which is typical of the printed text, and the new one established by computers and new technologies (first of all, the indefensibility of copyright).

Open access

Submitted: Aug. 14, 2017 | Published Nov. 29, 2017 | Language: it

Keywords CopyleftDigital libraryTextHumanities computingDigital humanities

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