Medieval and Modern Philologies

Series | Medieval and Modern Philologies
Volume 11 | Edited book | New Epistle Territories Between the 15th and 16th Centuries

New Epistle Territories Between the 15th and 16th Centuries

Proceedings of the FIRB 2012 International Conference (Venice, 11-12 November 2014)
open access
    edited by
  • Filippo Bognini - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile

This volume collects most of the contributions presented at the conference of the same name, organised as part of a broad research project on the figure of Francesco Filelfo, financed by MIUR within the framework of the Italian Fund for Basic Research (FIRB) 2012. Through the conference, the research unit present at Ca’ Foscari, directed by Filippo Bognini, aimed to provide further stimuli to the scientific debate on what the metaphor of the title evokes: i.e. the new spaces occupied, in the age of Humanism, by the fundamental genre of the epistle, not only in Filelfo (whose production in the vernacular and the intercurrent relations between epistles and Odes are investigated here), but also in other personalities who, in different contexts, made a significant contribution to the genre (from the Bolognese humanists up to Machiavelli, not excluding in-depth studies on only apparently minor figures, such as Bartolomeo Baldana or Girolamo Aliotti).

Keywords ProsodyCarminaGiovanni PontanoTuscanyFrancesco VettoriRhetoricCiceroFrancesco FilelfoMonastic studiesRenaissanceBartolomeo BaldanaVernacular Exchanges of LettersFlavio BiondoFrancesco GuicciardiniArs dictaminisEpistolaryGiovanni Pico della MEpistolary theorySenecaUniversity of BolognaCommentariesLianoro LianoriAutobiographyInvectivesLatin versus Vernacular languagePhilologyXVth Century Papal StatesTheatreFrancesco BarbaroCorrespondences in vernacular languageHumanismLatin at the Age of HumanismEpistolarum libriLucio da VissoLyric collection, circulationAngelo PolizianoErudite lettersMetricsAuthorial variantsFifteenth centuryIntertextualityEpistolographyArezzoNeo-Latin epistlesFilippo BeroaldoNiccolò PerottiNiccolò MachiavelliNiccolò Volpe

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-089-1 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-090-7 | Published April 1, 2016 | Language it

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