Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | «A mari usque ad mare»
Chapter | Representing the Bektashis

Representing the Bektashis

Exploring Epistemologies in Visual Anthropology


As a professional photojournalist collaborating with anthropologists, I have often confronted perspectives from academic scholars with little (if none) practical knowledge of, attention to, and understanding of the visual medium. In such a context, current theoretical approaches to how visual cultures are thought and signified, might offer a valuable and clarifying occasion to address the profound misconceptions visual media, and photography particularly, suffer. Based on my 2008 fieldwork on the Bektashi community in Albania, I aim to foster montage as a practical tool for visual signification of anthropological research. By applying the professional photographer’s hands-on expertise to the academic field of anthropology, and of visual anthropology specifically, I will eventually advocate for a more articulated and aesthetic-led understanding of visual communication.

Open access

Language: it

Keywords MontagePhotojournalismAlbaniaBekthasismVisual anthropology

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