Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | «A mari usque ad mare»
Chapter | The Affair of Durazzo (1559) and the Controversial Destitution of the Provveditore all'Armata

The Affair of Durazzo (1559) and the Controversial Destitution of the Provveditore all'Armata


«Actions speak louder than words». Nothing seems more appropriate than this old saying to describe the 1559 destitution of the Capitano del Golfo Pandolfo Contarini. For the sake of maritime security, he overreacted to the violation of a clause of the Veneto-Ottoman peace treaty and shelled the harbor of Durazzo. His destitution, sanctioned in Venice in complete autonomy, succeeded in preempting the Sultan’s response and ultimately preserved the peace.

Open access

Language: it

Keywords Foreign affairsAdministrationPrivateersSecurity

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