Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | «A mari usque ad mare»
Chapter | Gli amici, il giardino e i fiori

Gli amici, il giardino e i fiori

Tre capitoli del Tur-e Ma‘refat di Mirzâ ‘Abdo ’l-Qâder Bidel


Tur-e Ma‘refat is a masnavi composed around 1687-8 by Indo-persian poet Mirzâ ‘Abdo ’l-Qâder Bidel (1644-1720). The masnavi is dedicated to a series of natural elements (fields, gardens, flowers, mountains, waterfalls, clouds, water drops, rainbows, etc.) set in the region of Bairat, a town in the Rajasthan province north of Jaipur. These natural elements inspire the poet’s philosophical and spiritual thoughts and advice. Here we present the transliteration and the translation into prose of three chapters of the masnavi (nos. 28, 29 and 30), respectively devoted to the appreciation of friends, gardens and flowers. Four photographs of the Bairat area are included at the end of the article in order to provide the Tur-e Ma‘refat descriptions with a few travel memories.

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Language: it

Keywords BidelPoetryIran

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