Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Geometric Explosion
Chapter | Come non si fa un romanzo

Come non si fa un romanzo

Note su metalessi, antiromanzo e metaromanzo, da Henry James all’ultimo Unamuno    


Unamuno expressed a particular interest in the theory of the novel, but he did  not allow  himself to formalise his position. Anti- and meta-novel, Unamuno's How to Make a Novel  (1927) avoids the common conventions of the novel. Likewise  Henry James’s The Figure in the Carpet  (1896) was a fiction about fiction and an allegory of the reading  fiction. The symbolic death of the critic and the fear of death of the reader set  a limit on the literary experience in either case. 

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Language: it

Keywords Miguel de UnamunoMetaliteratureHenry James

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