Series | Studi di storia
Volume 8 | Edited book | Genealogies and Geographies of Anti-Democracy in the European Crisis of the 1930s

Genealogies and Geographies of Anti-Democracy in the European Crisis of the 1930s

Fascisms, Corporativisms, Laburisms
open access
    edited by
  • Laura Cerasi - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile

The European responses to the inter-war years crisis were marked by the emergence of fascist and corporatist movements and regimes, combined with the creation of cultural and political networks of the radical right. Their ability to express ultra-nationalist, organicistic, palingenetic communitarian trends, radically hostile to socialist egalitarianism and liberal individualism, aiming at a national, hierarchical, collective new order, posed the ultimate authoritarian threat to European democracy. This book investigates cultural genealogies as well a as national and transnational geographies of such regimes, movements and cultures: for their transversal political nature, they provide a privileged ground for new perspectives in the inter-war crisis of Western culture, and for questioning their legacies to postwar world.

Keywords EmpireDictatorshipGlobal crisisLabourEconomicsGino AriasInter-war periodInterwar AssociationsDemocracyEconomic protectionismArbeiterliteraturEuropean UnionCorporativismCapitalViolenceLiteratureWorkersInternational CorporationsLuigi EinaudiLatinityAnti-western modernityAgostino LanzilloGino BorgattaSocial originsCorporationRight wing intellectualsSpainNationalismNational SocialismTransnational historyPopulismCritica fascistaAssociationsFar-right movementAutarchyFirst World WarFree tradeInter-war EuropeRomaniaState controlPan-LatinismInterwar periodInterwarUniversità CattolicaUniversal FascismCorporatismGovernanceNSDAPEuropeAmintore FanfaniOrigins of capitalismPoliticsFrancoismPropagandaLiberalismProtectionismGiuseppe BottaiIron GuardFascismCounter-democracyCorneliu Zelea Codreanu

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-317-5 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-318-2 | Number of pages 294 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published May 31, 2019 | Language en, it