Series | Studi di storia
Edited book | Genealogies and Geographies of Anti-Democracy in the European Crisis of the 1930s
Chapter | Sulle origini del corporativismo

Sulle origini del corporativismo


The purpose of the present chapter is to provide some hints to the history of the concept of ‘corporation’. It aims to illustrate the meaning of corpus in Roman law and the characteristics of medieval guilds, to examine the semantic constants of the concept and its variants up to, and in part beyond, the First World War. The chapter will briefly discuss the ideas of Bentham and Saint-Simon, Mill’s concept of ‘economic democracy’, the communitarian alternatives to late-nineteenth-century liberalism, and the early theories of management and the firm that developed partly in parallel with the rise of fascist policies in Europe and the Technocracy movement in America, which cannot be treated here.

Open access

Published May 31, 2019 | Language: it

Keywords GovernanceLiberalismCorporationCorporativismDemocracy

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