Series |
Studi di storia
Edited book | Genealogies and Geographies of Anti-Democracy in the European Crisis of the 1930s
Chapter | Trasformazioni del lavoro e antidemocrazia negli anni tra le due guerre
The present contribution is divided into two parts: the first is the transformations of the world of labour between the two wars, tracing the context in which totalitarian impulses of a fascist nature were affirmed; the second, closely connected to the first, tries to outline the methods and contents with which counter-democracy tried to gain consensus, even in the world of labour. We will try to retrace, in broad terms, some trajectories of change induced by the First World War, their evolution in the inter-war period, the influence that these changes exerted on the Second World War and beyond, with some reference to the post-war period.
Published May 31, 2019 | Language: it
Keywords Counter-democracy • Inter-war period • Labour • Fascism
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