Rivista | Quaderni Veneti
Fascicolo | 5 | 1 | 2016

5 | 1 | 2016

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords MusicWolfgang GoetheLanguage/dialect relationshipLuisa BergalliCompositionGiacomo NoventaMichiel SalomItalian vernacular poetryManuscript StudiesGiovanni PascoliWertherWomen’s poetry anthologyPaolo Della CorteDialect poetryMelchiorre CesarottiAndrea ZanzottoSelf-translationsVenetian literature on XVIII centuryGiovanni GiudiciPoetryOssian’s PoemsSilvio GuarnieriGuido Alberto FanoRoman de TroieMacphersonBenoît de Sainte-MaureLiterary criticismPoetry and music in the 21th Century

Permalink http://doi.org/10.14277/1724-188X/2016/007/07 | Pubblicato 01 Giugno 2016 | Lingua it

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