Un commento eccentrico: Hans Ludwig Wolzogen e la lettura sociniana delle Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
Hans Ludwig Wolzogen (1599-1661) was an Austrian Socinian theologian. He lived between Vienna and Neuhaus, he studied in Wittenberg and later he moved to Poland where he knew the Socinian Anti-trinitarism. In 1657 he published a commentary to Cartesian Meditationes de Prima Philosophia, taking part to the huge discussion on the principles of Descartes’ philosophy. This paper focuses on his Annotationes and aims at showing that Wolzogen’s commentary, despite its similarity to some traditional objections, such as Gassendi’s Quintae Obiectiones, contains specific Socinian thesis and it has an Aristotelian philosophical background. Wolzogen’s Socinianism is particularly evident in his opposition to the Cartesian Rational theology and in his adherence to arguments of the original Socinian Scripturalism.
Keywords: Aristotelianism • Scripturalism • Rational Theology • Socinianism
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-132-4/PHIL-3-4