Eresia e persecuzione in Bayle
The polemic against Catholic intolerance of Louis XIV was developed by Bayle, in beginning of 1680’s, in convergence with parallel campaign conducted by Pierre Jurieu. In fact, this Calvinist theologian anticipated statements on the rights of erroneous conscience, which became later typically Baylean. Bayle nevertheless proposed a general defence of tolerance on the basis of the Golden Rule (quod tibi fieri non vis, alteri ne feceris), while Jurieu excepted the Socinians and others which denied the fundamental truths of Christianity. The Commentaire philosophique made visible the intellectual break between Bayle and Jurieu, that became later a harsh personal conflict. In several occasions Bayle retorted to Jurieu and intransigent Calvinists the charge of intolerance that they brought against Catholics. However Bayle was always faithful to cornerstones of his theory, that required precise limitations to religious freedom for political reasons.
Keywords: Pierre Jurieu • Tolerance • Pierre Bayle • Golden Rule