Venezia Arti Rivista del Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Rivista | Venezia Arti
Fascicolo | 25 | 2016
Articolo | Custodi: da curatori a guardiani

Custodi: da curatori a guardiani

Un ruolo professionale per i musei italiani e le sue definizioni storiche


This paper reflects on the changing role of the guardian or keeper in museums and art collections from the seventeenth century to the present. Starting from the lexical meaning of the Italian word ‘custode’, thanks to archival documentation, the research reconstructs the use of this word in the historical lexicon of museums and their professions, in different geographical and cultural contexts. Comparing the historical regulations of museums and art collections in different Italian regions, the paper argues that the profound changes associated with the functions and the professional profile of the keepers transformed them from curators of collections to mere guardians of rooms.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 24 Agosto 2016 | Accettato: 31 Agosto 2016 | Pubblicato 20 Dicembre 2016 | Lingua: it

Keywords CuratorKeeperAcademyMuseum

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