Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale

Rivista | Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale
Fascicolo | 58 | 2024
Articolo | Students’ Perception of Teaching English Linguistics at University Level. A case study

Students’ Perception of Teaching English Linguistics at University Level. A case study


This paper presents a case study on the teaching of a 30-hour module of English Linguistics for two courses in the first-cycle degree programme in Modern Cultures and Languages. Data gathered through students’ evaluation forms have been contradictory: the module scored high as far as students’ satisfaction was concerned but it scored low regarding interest. This paper shows how students’ feedback has helped us introduce changes. These are illustrated in the main part of this paper. They engage with pedagogical knowledge, methodologies and practices, as well as linguistic approaches specifically chosen to unpack the potential of the content of the module, improving students’ language awareness and language skills.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 21 Maggio 2023 | Accettato: 18 Luglio 2024 | Pubblicato 30 Settembre 2024 | Lingua: en

Keywords Systemic Functional GrammarLanguage Teacher EducationParticipantsCritical Language StudiesLanguage Awareness

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