Italianistica. Nuova serie

Collana | Italianistica. Nuova serie
Miscellanea | La tradizione prosimetrica in volgare da Dante a Bembo
Capitolo | Esegesi pluriprospettica nel Comento de’ miei sonetti di Lorenzo de’ Medici

Esegesi pluriprospettica nel Comento de’ miei sonetti di Lorenzo de’ Medici


This essay examines the relations between sonnets and exegetical prose in Lorenzo de’ Medici’s commentary on his own poetry. The Laurentian sonnets open up different horizons of philosophical references. The commentaries in prose increase the philosophical options that are substantiated in the sonnets. In so doing, they create a wide range of divergent interpretative paths. The Magnifico’s textual strategy is intended to work towards the cautious installation of Lorenzo’s political authority as that of a philosopher-king of the Platonic type, an operation whose presumptuousness in risky circumstances might be reduced by a(nti)platonic stratagems.

Open access

Presentato: 18 Marzo 2024 | Accettato: 19 Aprile 2024 | Pubblicato 17 Luglio 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords Early Modern PeriodPlatonismPhilosophySonnetCommentaryRenaissanceProsimetrumMarsilio FicinoLyric poetryLorenzo de’ Medici

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