Italianistica. Nuova serie

Collana | Italianistica. Nuova serie
Miscellanea | La tradizione prosimetrica in volgare da Dante a Bembo
Capitolo | Copisti per passione della Comedia delle Ninfe Fiorentine di Giovanni Boccaccio

Copisti per passione della Comedia delle Ninfe Fiorentine di Giovanni Boccaccio


In the predominantly fifteenth-century manuscript tradition of the Comedia delle Ninfe Fiorentine by Giovanni Boccaccio, several codices are transcribed with passion by their highly motivated copyists. This means they are written not by professional writers, but by individuals endowed with sufficient writing skills to enable them to copy a manuscript while practising other professions. At this time in Florence, some of these passionate writers belonged to noble families, and their names can be traced in the civic archives, serving as public officials or correspondents of the Medici.

Open access

Presentato: 06 Marzo 2024 | Accettato: 02 Maggio 2024 | Pubblicato 17 Luglio 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords Manuscript traditionCodicologyCopyistsBoccaccioAmetoComedia delle Ninfe Fiorentine

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