Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | Vulnerabilità in migrazione
Capitolo | Filosofia della vulnerabilità, affetti e migrazioni
In this article, I first dwell on the general features assumed by the philosophical discussion on the topic of vulnerability, especially in the sphere of moral philosophy and political philosophy; then I mention Judith Butler's contribution. Once Butler's reflection has been illustrated, I try to show how the theoretical framework she offers can help us read the Western world's response to the migration phenomena, as well as the forms of vulnerabilization experienced by the protection-seeker; in particular, by way of exemplification, I dwell here on their epistemic vulnerabilization. Lastly, again through the Butlerian theoretical framework, I show how vulnerability can be played out as a form of resistance, either in the form of micro-resistance or in the form of collective resistance.
Presentato: 04 Agosto 2023 | Accettato: 18 Dicembre 2023 | Pubblicato 28 Febbraio 2024 | Lingua: it
Keywords Epistemic vulnerabilization • Vulnerability • Migration • Resistance • Butler
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