Joan Maragall, lector modernista de l’iberisme
Maragall is usually presented as one of the founders of the so-called Iberianism, which seeks a common political project, although vague, among the different cultures of the Iberian Peninsula. However, the analysis of Maragall’s journalistic work shows how, until 1905, his knowledge of Portugal was very limited: although he always showed signs of following European newspapers and magazines very closely, he never mentioned any Portuguese newspaper or magazine. Our hypothesis is that he was only aware of Portugal significance late in his life and that, although the Iberian political proposal is attractive to him, his interest in Portuguese culture is largely motivated by the affinities he hoped to find in its modernist literary proposals.
Keywords: Portugal • Unamuno • Iberism • Maragall • Eugenio de Castro • Rêverie • Modernism