Collana | SAIL
Miscellanea | La linguistica educativa tra ricerca e sperimentazione
Capitolo | Memoria, emozioni, ricordi nell’invecchiamento

Memoria, emozioni, ricordi nell’invecchiamento

Implicazioni per l’educazione linguistica degli anziani


Learning languages is not only beneficial for the quality of life of the elderly and their active participation in society, but it also has an important role in stimulating and maintaining their cognitive resources, increasing cognitive reserves and countering their decline, favouring the development of compensatory processes. From this point of view, learning languages in old age is not only possible but it is desirable. All of this justifies a FL geragogic model based on the idea that education must respect teaching methods principles especially when aimed at the elderly. Since memory consists of different processes which interact with each other affecting several brain areas, there is no unitary ageing of memory in the elderly. Some types of memory are very sensitive to ageing, while others are very well preserved and show no signs of deterioration. Therefore, from the perspective of the language education of the elderly, it is necessary to know the different features of memory ageing in order to prepare teaching activities and educational paths that take into account the specific characteristics and changes that affect memory over the years.

Open access

Pubblicato 28 Aprile 2023 | Lingua: it

Keywords Glottogeragogic modelAutobiographyMemoryLanguage learningEmotions

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