Collana |
Monografia | L’Italia, l’altrove
Capitolo | 6 • Guidare
The road movie genre has been employed in migration cinema to stage important discussions on shifting migration patterns and to criticize Europe’s border policies. This chapter analyzes how the stylistic and thematic conventions of this genre have been employed in Italian films about migration to portray the contested spaces of the Mediterranean. In particular, I will focus on the ways in which Elia Moutamid’s Talien (2017) depicts the route that connects Italy to Morocco. As the road movie genre has been employed by counterculture movements to express the opposition to traditional values, the use of the conventions of this genre in Talien challenge hegemonic and monolithic views of national identity. Talien reconfigures driving as a social and cultural practices that questions the contradictions of Italian society.
Presentato: 07 Settembre 2021 | Accettato: 19 Giugno 2022 | Pubblicato 18 Ottobre 2022 | Lingua: it
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