Collana | Eurasiatica
Miscellanea | Il viaggio in Armenia
Capitolo | De la Grande Arménie à la Cilicie, voyager dans le monde arménien médiéval (XIe-XIVe siècle)
During the medieval period, the Armenian world was composed of two major poles, Great Armenia, which fell under Seljuk domination, and Cilicia, a principality, then an Armenian kingdom. Contacts continued between these two areas, particularly on a religious level. Armenian Christianity remained unified, and meetings of bishops were, for example, the source of trips, embassies and councils. In the same way, the Catholicos sends letters to all Christians, through the intermediary of emissaries who travel from one place to another. Cultural Contacts continue, with the circulation of manuscripts between Great Armenia and Cilicia.
Presentato: 15 Maggio 2020 | Accettato: 01 Settembre 2020 | Pubblicato 12 Luglio 2021 | Lingua: fr
Keywords Manuscripts • Cilicia • Embassies • Catholicos • Councils
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