Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | Lugares ¿Qué lugares?
Capitolo | Espacios, sombras, no-lugares

Espacios, sombras, no-lugares

Barcelona, Islandia y Nueva York en dos obras de Cunillé


The present contribution aims to study two pieces of the Catalan drama author Lluïsa Cunillé, Barcelona, mapa d’ombres and Islàndia, and the rhapsodic pulsion of these texts in their relation to space: dramatic space and literary space. It also focuses on non-places and the notion of nowhere, and finally we examine the function of some touristic guides.

Open access

Presentato: 14 Aprile 2020 | Pubblicato 09 Luglio 2020 | Lingua: es

Keywords Contemporary Catalan theatreCunilléDramaSpaceLiterature

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