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Miscellanea | Altera pars laboris
Capitolo | L’apport du Lugdunum priscum de Claude Bellièvre à la connaissance de l’épigraphie lyonnaise
The article investigates the first pages of the epigraphic section of the manuscript left by the Lyonese scholar Claude Bellièvre (1487-1557). Specific attention is devoted to the inscriptions of the legatus Ti. Claudius Quartinus and freedman who acted as procurator of the provincia Lugdunensis (CIL XIII 1802 and 1800), as well as an epitaph with a Greek formulaic invocation, which adorned the castle of Yvours, south of Lyon (2074).
Presentato: 12 Luglio 2019 | Accettato: 02 Ottobre 2019 | Pubblicato 11 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: fr
Keywords Epigraphy • Imperial administration • Collection • Epitaphs • Lyon • Bellièvre
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