Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia

Collana | Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia
Recensione | Dalla tutela al restauro del patrimonio librario e archivistico
Capitolo | Le analisi spettroscopiche sul Diario spirituale di Sant’Ignazio in occasione del suo restauro

Le analisi spettroscopiche sul Diario spirituale di Sant’Ignazio in occasione del suo restauro


In this work, a step-by-step approach is proposed, where each level of a conservation treatment on Saint Ignatius’ spiritual diary, a valuable XVI c. manuscript, is monitored through non-invasive spectroscopic techniques: UV-VIS reflectance (FORS) and X-Ray fluorescence (XRF). FORS and XRF allowed us to evaluate the potentially dangerous ink or iron migration in each step. The acquisition of many FORS and XRF spectra all over the manuscript allowed us to make considerations about the type and nature of the iron-gall inks. Finally, Raman, FORS and XRF were used also to characterise the materials used to decorate the XVIII c. precious cover.

Open access

Presentato: 30 Gennaio 2018 | Pubblicato 27 Marzo 2018 | Lingua: it

Keywords XRFPigmentsUV-VISSaint IgnatiusConservationSpectroscopySpiritual diaryInkManuscriptRamanIron-gall

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