EL.LE Educazione Linguistica. Language Education

Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 12 | 2 | 2023
Research Article | Reflecting on EFL Secondary Students’ Reading Habits and Perceptions of Young Adult Literature to Promote Reading for Pleasure and Global Citizenship Education

Reflecting on EFL Secondary Students’ Reading Habits and Perceptions of Young Adult Literature to Promote Reading for Pleasure and Global Citizenship Education


One of the challenges faced by language teachers is promoting students’ reading for pleasure while also helping them confront world issues. Introducing Young Adult Literature in the EFL classroom can be of great help in this sense. However, it is not easy to select the most appropriate texts and topics, as teenage students’ reading preferences are still not well known. Against this background, we administered an online questionnaire to Austrian, Italian, and Hungarian students to explore their reading preferences and habits. In this article, we report the results of this questionnaire and draw some pedagogical implications.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Jan. 13, 2023 | Published July 26, 2023 | Language: en

Keywords Young Adult LiteratureGlobal issuesEFLPrint and digital literaciesStudents’ reading habits and preferences

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