Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 6 | 1 | 2017

6 | 1 | 2017

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Language learning and teachingAmbiguityPragmatic competenceEducazione LinguisticaItalian L2Intercultural communicative competenceCommunicative competenceIndividual language teaching propertiesApologySecond/foreign language acquisitionKnowledge of societyIntercultural communicationHumanistic language teachingMigrantsEquivalenceConceptual metaphorAVT (audiovisual translation)Humanistic psychologyJapanesePoliteness theoriesSocio-pragmatic competenceRete ELETestEducational linguisticsLanguage teaching context comparisonInterlingual subtitlingSoftware of the mindSpeech act theoryIndividual language teaching

Permalink | Published March 1, 2017 | Language en, it