Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | «L’umanesimo della parola»
Chapter | Da un volgare all’altro

Da un volgare all’altro

La novella in veneziano negli Avvertimenti della lingua sopra ’l Decamerone di Lionardo Salviati (Dec. 1.9)


The contribution studies the Venetian version of the novella of the King of Cyprus (Decameron 1.9) included in the first volume of the Avvertimenti della lingua sopra 'l Decamerone by Lionardo Salviati (Venice, Guerra, 1584). In the first part, the essay frames this Salviatian experiment in the vein of 'horizontal' translations of the Decameron, in modern Italian or in another Italoromance variety. It then goes on to reconstruct the objectives and cultural premises of the anti-dialectal offensive promoted by Salviati, which can be traced back to the controversy between Italianists and Florentineists, which involves personalities such as Giangiorgio Trissino, Lodovico Martelli and Benedetto Varchi. Finally, the Venetian version is analysed from a linguistic point of view, paying particular attention to phraseology and vocabulary: a transcription is offered in the Appendix, followed by a selective glossary of popular register words and expressions.

Open access

Submitted: Sept. 7, 2022 | Published May 2, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Lionardo SalviatiGiovanni BoccaccioVenetianBenedetto VarchiLodovico MartelliTranslation

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