Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Volume 31 | Edited book | «L’umanesimo della parola»

«L’umanesimo della parola»

Studi di italianistica in memoria di Attilio Bettinzoli
open access

By remembering Attilio Bettinzoli with this collection of essays, the intent of friends and colleagues is to recognize the legacy of knowledge and affectionate memories that he left in those who attended him in his intellectual excursions. His entire life was dedicated to literature and teaching, with a fine critical spirit and with joyful curiosity, both on the academic side as a refined reader – in the footsteps of Vittore Branca and exploring paths ranging from Boccaccio, Poliziano, Ficino, Pico and Iacopo Sannazaro up to the poets of the twentieth century, with a predilection for Rebora – and in poetic writing, along an existential line interpreted with dense and suggestive poetic collections that accompany the path of investigation into twentieth-century poetry in friendly and esteemed voices such as those of Eugenio Montale, Emilio Cecchi, Giovanni Boine, Camillo Sbarbaro, Cristina Campo, Giorgio Caproni and Giorgio Vigolo, often assigned to students as a topic in numerous theses, to attest to research constantly linked to teaching. These are also the thematic and conceptual lines on which the essays offered by colleagues and students move, in a small sign of friendship and gratitude for the path shared over the years.

Keywords Ancient and medieval zoologyEstense CourtNautical termsVirtusHesiodGhiribizziContemporary novelElémire Zolla20th century writersInquisitionItalian studiesHomeLorenzo CarboneCominian editions of the StanzeParadoxHumanistic PhilologyElegy in LalagenRenaissanceAutographsTranslationPassionPublishing historyGiovanni Gherardi da PratoGoddess FebrisAlbiera degli AlbizziObedienceEpicedionAsoloScholia to HesiodGiovanni PontanoFifteen century italian short storiesPoetryBenedetto VarchiImaginationLuigi PulciMontaleItalian literatureAngelsSaint-John PerseAndrea BajaniAmersCgm 182Erasmus of RotterdamMunich State LibraryGiacoppo’s and Ginevra’s ‘novelle’ZibaldoneAchille PlattoRoman churchLa Sicilia, il suo cuoreSovereigntyReligionFlorence-Milan war (1390-1402)BibliographyIntertextualityPetrarca RRiscontro15th century poetryAnton Francesco DoniTheory of languageTypographyLodovico MartelliPliny the ElderSciasciaBoineVenetian humanismCesare RipaVHumanitiesFragment21st centuryDeath of the authorLaurentian circlePoliticsGiovanni BoccaccioAlbert The GreatSpace-timeDanteItalian writersColleagueCainHistorical lexicographyBrescian dialectFPierio ValerianoFrancesco di VannozzoCanonMusicSolinus‘Ermetismo’HumanismLiterary genresInterior and exterior landscapeMass-menItalian literature of the 15th century19th-20th centuryCyprusVenetian dialectGiovannantonio and Giacomo VolpiScholarEarly literary reproductions/parodies of Turkish aRepublic of VeniceFrancesco PriuliSocial criticismTeacherViolinFortuneArsenalAttilio BettinzoliPierantonio SerassiLiterary criticismPasoliniPoetPolizianoPraise of FollySimone SerdiniBooksIl Paradiso degli AlbertiChristian Hymnspolitical poemsLorenzo de’ MediciMaurensigBestiary20th centuryIndustry and literatureDaemonsLiterature and industryPrinceClaudius AelianusQuerelle des anciens et de modernesLeopardiSonnetsLionardo SalviatiHistory of Classical ScholarshipRimeDe obedientiaPietro BemboIconologyBibleFlorentine humanismCaterina CornaroSarpiLiteratureAdagiaVenetianAngelo PolizianoBettinzoliReboraItalian fictionHistoriography

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-652-7 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-653-4 | Published May 2, 2023 | Language it


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