Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Volume 18 | Edited book | Armenia, Caucasus and Central Asia

Armenia, Caucasus and Central Asia

Research 2021
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Daniele Artoni - Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia - email
  • Carlo Frappi - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Paolo Sorbello - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email


Consistently with a consolidated tradition within the series «Eurasiatica», the volume aims to intercept and represent the main research trends in the academic debate about the region across the Caucasus and Central Asia unfolding in the Italian academic environment and involving both national and international scholars. In this perspective, the volume presents a series of essays that draw inspiration from papers presented in the context of the main annual conferences and conventions focused on Caucasian and Central Asian studies. Accordingly, the volume hosts contributions shaped by different disciplinary matrices, ranging from historical and philological to linguistic, literary and political studies.

Keywords ShirvanEngravingsDagestanPost-Soviet LiteratureSommierJabal al-alsun ‘mountain of tongues’Constitutional Reforms in the Ottoman EmpireFood studiesForeign PolicyKhāfiDodojAzerbaijanJabal al-alsun ‘mountain of tongues’ChechnyaJahriBronze AgeCorrespondenceIron fændyrDiscourse AnalysisIron AgeLandscape archaeologyCaucasusChaghatay languageMashrabScholarisationHistoriographyUyghur Art MusicṘet‘ēos PērpēreanArab-Muslim geographersMaqomHighlandsPublicationGraphicsTranscaucasiaPhoneticsTravel DiaristOsseticTravelogueUyghur Music InstrumentsLinguistic diversityModernity and ModernisationMilitarizationGerman SadulaevKazakhstan‑China RelationsNationalismMulti-vectorismKosta KhetagurovAreal-typological studiesCaucasian languagesAnthropologyArmenian MilletNader ShahTurcologyPhotosRussophone LiteratureKarabaghMuqamUyghur DervishesGeopolitical CodesTranslationsBotanyExpeditionLevierTrauma and Memory StudiesMaqāmĀmānnisā Khān Nāfisi (1526-1560)Women’s Rights DiscourseCentral AsiaNaqshbandī tariqaPostcolonial StudiesCollective MemoryDiverse CulturesMetalworkAfāq KhwajaOn Ikki MuqamTang Court Ethnic EnsemblesBāburnāme

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-550-6 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-551-3 | Number of pages 262 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Dec. 21, 2021 | Language it, en


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