Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | Armenia, Caucasus and Central Asia
Chapter | “Mountain of Tongues”

“Mountain of Tongues”

The Languages of the Caucasus in Arabic-Islamic Sources


The paper is devoted to the linguistic diversity of the Caucasus as reflected in the writing of Arab-Muslim geographers and historians. Dealing with the locus classicus jabal al-alsun ‘mountain of tongues’ in the output of Arab-Muslim authors, the author juxtaposes the current state of the study of Caucasus polyglossia with the description of the jumble of languages in the works of Ibn al-Faqīh, al-Mas‘ūdī, Abū al-Fidā’, al-Muhallabī and other authors. Outlining some parallels in Graeco-Roman historians, the author concludes that the diversity of languages spoken in the Caucasus as described by Arab-Muslim geographers appears to be in concord with the degree of the linguistic diversity as conceived today in areal-typological studies.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: March 4, 2021 | Accepted: June 30, 2021 | Published Dec. 21, 2021 | Language: en

Keywords Jabal al-alsun ‘mountain of tongues’Jabal al-alsun ‘mountain of tongues’Areal-typological studiesArab-Muslim geographersLinguistic diversityCaucasian languages

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