Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | Armenia, Caucasus and Central Asia
Chapter | A. Aхматова – переводчик поэмы K. Xетагурова «Kто ты?»: варианты и интерпретация
The article presents a comparative analysis of the original text of the Kosta L. Khetagurov’s poem “Chi dӕ?” (‘Who are you?’) with three variants of Akhmatova’s translation into Russian in order to reveal the most appropriate artistic text. The line-by-line comparison of translations with the original determines the interpreter’s choice of stylistic means and lexical variants in the transmission of certain units of the original language.The paper deals with translation strategies for achieving Akhmatova the equivalency of the Khetagurov’s verse in translation. It identifies a number of other features of the transfer of verse forms, such as the location to save the rhyme translator uses inversion. Transfer of linguistic units from national and cultural semantics Akhmatova reduced to the transcribed or the omission of them in translated text. As a result of the analysis of the equivalent transfer of the lexical units of the original in the variants of the translation of the poem “Chi dӕ?”, the author of the study comes to the conclusion that the most successful is Akhmatova’s translated text published in the collection of Kosta L. Khetagurov’s works in 1951.
Submitted: March 8, 2017 | Accepted: July 5, 2017 | Published Feb. 19, 2018 | Language: ru
Keywords Transcription • Stylistic means • Source text • Translating language • National colouring • Artistic image • Equivalency • Artistic translation • Translation unit • Translated text • Substring • Source language • Lexical unit
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