Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | Armenia, Caucasus and Central Asia
Chapter | Миграционные процессы в истории формирования национально-конфессиональной структуры и городского пространства г. Владикавказа  в 1861-1917 гг.

Миграционные процессы в истории формирования национально-конфессиональной структуры и городского пространства г. Владикавказа  в 1861-1917 гг.


The subject of the study is the influence of migration processes on the formation of urban space. The hypothesis is that migration processes were the reason for the formation of the urban space of national diasporas and confessional groups of the population of Vladikavkaz in the late XIX-early XX centuries. During this period, various religious buildings appeared in the city: nine Orthodox churches, the Armenian church, the Polish church, the German church, the Jewish synagogue, the Lutheran church, two Moslem mosques. Near them there were concentrated residential buildings, national schools, shops, theatres, etc. of a certain ethnic and confessional group of the population. This division can be traced in the peculiarities of architecture and the place of residence of certain ethnic groups up to the present time. Historically developed urban space allows peaceful coexistence and development of various peoples and confessional groups.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: March 13, 2017 | Accepted: May 22, 2017 | Published Feb. 19, 2018 | Language: ru

Keywords National diasporasFormation of urban spaceReligious buildingsConfessional groupsThe city of VladikavkazEnd of the XIX century-beginning of the XX centuryMigration

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