Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Nomina sunt...?
Chapter | Riconoscersi ed essere riconosciuto

Riconoscersi ed essere riconosciuto

Il nome proprio e il ruolo pubblico di Giovanni Della Casa


One of the most interesting characteristics of Giovanni Della Casa is his troubled identity, which is reflected in the conflicting relationship that he maintains with his name. The purpose of this paper is to examine the ways in which the author uses his name, by dividing his biography into three stages: youth (1503-1537), middle age (1537-1550), final years (1550-1556), with particular regards to his letters and poems. The early sense of disorientation, the demanding efforts of the ecclesiastical career and the frustration for not having achieved the cardinalship are some of the most remarkable stages of his life, during which Della Casa repeatedly wavers between the sincere need to identify himself with his name and the deceptive need to control his public role as well as to be recognizable among the others.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 6, 2016 | Language: it

Keywords Self-naming and public roleGiovanni Della CasaRenaissance literature

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