Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Nomina sunt...?
Chapter | Il nome dell’‘io’ e il nome dell’‘altro’

Il nome dell’‘io’ e il nome dell’‘altro’

I racconti di Sologub e l’identità simbolista


The present article examines the role of onomastics in Fyodor Sologub’s short stories Chervyak (Worm) and V plenu (In Bondage). Sologub extensively plays with names in his writing. There are various ways in which names participate in such a narrative. The names of Sologub’s characters, as this paper will show, usually embrace Symbolist crucial themes, ideological approach as well as the particular author’s point of view. My aim is to highlight and discuss the value of onomastics from both a literary and a linguistic perspective. The relationship between the name and its bearer (Sologub’s characters) is conceived as part of an onymic system (the so-called ‘name landscape’) and as a key aspect of the overall structure of the artistic text.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 6, 2016 | Language: it

Keywords Fyodor SologubOnomasticsIn BondageWorm

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