'The Belated Mellow Period' of Chinese Contemporary Literature
20th century Chinese literature has changed dramatically, resulting in multiple fractures. Therefore, we will try to use the so-called «belated mellow period» to explain the artistic standards and aesthetic characteristics of Chinese literature today. The «belated mellow period» refers to Chinese literature getting into such a period: For one thing, in terms of the history of Chinese literature, its vernacular has gone through a 100-year radical change, while thoroughly absorbing the influence of Western literature and shaping it to the unique cultural characteristics of Chinese language. For another, in terms of the state of literature today, China has a number of writers entering middle age. Their writing style seems calmer and their sense of innovation is deeper, tougher and more contemplative. This is the «late style» and it means Chinese literature has reached a more mature, purer realm. The most significant works of contemporary Chinese literature are moving farther and farther away from Western modernist literature.
Keywords: Belated Mellow Period • Chinese Contemporary Literature
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-095-2/SV-3-11