Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti

Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti

open access | peer reviewed

Aims & Scope
Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti is a non-fiction series that welcomes and proposes texts, studies and researches dealing with migratory phenomena, diasporas and, more generally, human mobility. The aim of Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti is to publish essays capable of investigating the social transformations, material dynamics and transculturation processes of which migrations, international and internal, are bearers. The editorial projects that make up Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti and the volumes that the series hosts fall within the sphere of the social sciences – from sociology and anthropology to geography and social psychology, passing through history and cultural studies –, whether they are theoretical in-depth studies or empirical research, for which qualitative methodologies are preferred. A distinguishing mark that characterises Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti is the critical approach and the global gaze, adopted to read human mobility through a perspective capable of relating the structural determinants and horizons within which individual actors move, of analytically connecting the contexts of origin, destination and transit of migrations, of putting the local dimension in tension with the global one and vice versa. The texts proposed for publication are first examined by the publishing house management in terms of thematic coherence and economic sustainability. Subsequently, they are submitted to the series management, which, in coordination with the scientific committee, initiates the scientific review procedure in accordance with the established procedures and entrusted to an individual expert. Those who take charge of the revision are asked to verify that the text complies with strict scientific criteria, in particular, giving an account of the methodological choices made, documenting the sources of any research used, providing a complete and up-to-date bibliography, and maintaining an appropriate writing style and language.

e-ISSN 2975-1519 | ISSN 3035-0387 | Language en, it |

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