Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti

Series | Migrazioni, mobilità, sconfinamenti
Volume 1 | Monograph | Le grammatiche del razzismo

Le grammatiche del razzismo

Un’introduzione teorica e un percorso di ricerca
open access
  • Alfredo Alietti - Università di Ferrara - email
  • Dario Padovan - Università di Torino - email


This volume stems from the need to contribute systematically to the debate on racism and to offer the opportunity to reflect on the different theories that have followed one another over time. This work does not intend to be exhaustive about the vast and articulated theoretical and empirical literature. The authors intend to provide an introduction focused on those aspects that seem most pertinent in understanding the evolution of the phenomenon and unveiling the mechanisms that underlie the discourses and practices of rejection and denial of the Other. The narrative structure that has been pursued relates to the historical-sociological reconstruction of the main theories that have attempted to respond to the forms in which different racisms have presented themselves within different societies. Historical analysis and contemporary hermeneutics in the social studies are indispensable factors for the understanding of racism in its complex manifestations. The attempt is to go so far as to reveal the ‘grammars of racism’ as the basic structures through which racist dynamics are made explicit and determined. The themes addressed are manifold: from the birth of racism as a field of study, through classical anthropological studies, the issue of social distance, the studies of Adorno and Myrdal, to the broad contribution of social psychology and the so-called new racism. In addition, the text introduces a novel reflection on the current relationship between racialisation processes and climate change with reference to the broader debate on environmental racism. Most of the chapters are a re-proposal of the book published in 2000 to which a partially unpublished introduction and the unpublished last chapter have been added. In the socio-historical phase we are currently living through with the peremptory assertion of a public and political discourse increasingly against ethnic diversity, we consider this re-proposal important, accompanied by the idea that there is still much to be done and that it may encourage further necessary reflection and research.

Keywords RacialisationNarrativesRacismSocial psychologyAntisemitismDiversityOthernessEnvironmental racismSocial distanceNew racismIslamophobia

Permalink http://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-744-9 | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-744-9 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-745-6 | Published Nov. 6, 2023 | Accepted July 11, 2023 | Submitted May 3, 2023 | Language it


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