Eurasiatica Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale

Collana | Eurasiatica
Miscellanea | La Crimea tra Russia, Italia e Impero ottomano
Capitolo | Note sul tema: Osip Mandel’štam e la Crimea

Note sul tema: Osip Mandel’štam e la Crimea


This article is devoted to the presence of Crimea in the works by Osip Mandel’shtam. Here Crimea is not considered as a theme, with or without reference to the author’s biography. The aim is to highlight the function of this region as a catalyst for an original conception of both space and time in Mandel’shtam’s art. The astonishing syncretism of space and time in the so-called ‘Hellenic-Crimean cycle’ of Tristia; the connection between time and poetic creation, which is one of the fundamental concepts in the article Slovo i kul’tura; the reflections on Russian language as a ‘Hellenic language’ as expressed in O prirode slova; ‘panchronism’ of historical and poetic phenomena, which is a key idea in Razgovor o Dante: these are all elements that are connected more or less directly to the image of Crimea and to the ‘cultural chronotope’ represented by it.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 12 Maggio 2017 | Accettato: 04 Luglio 2017 | Pubblicato 12 Dicembre 2017 | Lingua: it

Keywords Crimea in Russian LiteratureOsip Mandel’shtam

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