Collana | SAIL
Volume | Tra lingue e culture
Capitolo | Problemi di comunicazione dovuti a valori culturali

Problemi di comunicazione dovuti a valori culturali


Deep cultural values, whose traits identify and diversify the two cultures under investigation, are taken into consideration in Chapter 3. A framework of the aspects that characterize Italians and Russians in a strongly identitary way is provided. Obviously, the main purpose is the acquisition of intercultural communicative competence, which allows people to approach the knowledge of a foreign culture in the right way, without disagreement. Respectful interpretation of all the aspects which are analyzed is fundamental. This is even more true when we deal with deep social values, which include concepts such as time, space (public and private), respect, social status, honesty, loyalty, fair play, friendship, family bonds and professional relationships, religion, patriotism, and finally a sense of belonging to a country or to an ethnic group. The above-mentioned factors, strongly linked to one’s native culture, show two insidious characteristics: the first is that they rarely correspond to the foreign interlocutors’ values. The second is the deep certainty that ours are unquestionable because it is believed that they are ‘natural’ and therefore are not required to be up for discussion. This attitude puts relational abilities, whose role is to remove ambiguous impressions and stereotypes that can compromise intercultural communication, at a disadvantage.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 06 Marzo 2017 | Lingua: it

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