Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 5 | 3 | 2016

5 | 3 | 2016

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords Translation didacticsInstrumental sub-competenceIntercultural competenceLanguage varieties in the foreign language class3D Virtual WorldsCommunity-based lerningCLIL methodologyLanguage for specific purposesLanguage teachingTechnology Enhanced Language LearningAndragogyCLIL teachersDEALExperiential strategyItalian as a foreign languageMethodological awarenessAutonomy of learningLifelong learningSchool ReformService LearningMotivationSociolinguisticsSpecial Needs EducationError analysisreligiosi, questione della lingua, langue de guerrWeb-search taskArabic languageTeaching sociolinguistic variationLanguage acquisitionItalian as a second language

Permalink | Published Nov. 1, 2016 | Language it, en