Series | Studi di storia
Edited book | Pius XI in the European crisis | Pius XI. im kontext der Europäischen Krise
Chapter | Pius XI. – ein europäischer Papst?

Pius XI. – ein europäischer Papst?

Der Europabegriff in der Antrittsenzyklika Ubi Arcano Dei


This essay focuses on the first encyclical of Pius XI, Ubi Arcano Dei, in which the program and the main concerns of the entire pontificate were scheduled. The explicit and implicit use of the term «Europe» in this encyclical will be analysed as an example of papal documents in the 1920s and 1930s. The main research objective is to find out, whether Pius XI had a concrete concept of/for Europe in mind and what he asserted on the League of Nations and the political situation in Europe. Therefore, a list of keywords that are used as main instrument in the text analysis of official papal documents is defined, beginning with Ubi Arcano Dei.

Open access

Language: it

Keywords Pius XIEncyclica Ubi arcanoEurope

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