Series | Studi di storia
Edited book | Pius XI in the European crisis | Pius XI. im kontext der Europäischen Krise
Chapter | La donna, i bambini e la famiglia nella condanna vaticana del totalitarismo sovietico negli anni Venti e Trenta

La donna, i bambini e la famiglia nella condanna vaticana del totalitarismo sovietico negli anni Venti e Trenta

Aspetti teorici e risposte pratiche


This paper focuses on the family questions, such as women status or educational matters. It aims to show their importance in the condemnation process of the communist ideology by the Holy See, and more particularly how they play a role in the qualification of this ideology as ‘totalitarian’. We will focus on the theoretical aspects (more particularly on the complex redactional process of Divini Redemptoris) as well as the practical responses stimulated by the Holy See (prayers of children, sensibilisation of the women and of the youth organizations).

Open access

Language: it

Keywords Pius XISoviet UnionTotalitarianismAnticomunism

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