Series | Studi di storia
Edited book | Pius XI in the European crisis | Pius XI. im kontext der Europäischen Krise
Chapter | Il ripensamento dell’antisemitismo da parte di Pio XI

Il ripensamento dell’antisemitismo da parte di Pio XI

Una chiave di lettura del pontificato?


The speech aims to demonstrate that the attitude of Pius XI towards anti-Semitism in the last months of his life provides a key to understand the guideline of his entire pontificate. Starting with a review of the Catholic Church’s position toward anti-Semitism, he came to a final judgment of absolute incompatibility of Catholicism and right-wing totalitarianism based on a doctrinal interpretation of the events of the period.

Open access

Language: it

Keywords AntisemitismPius XITotalitarianism

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