Series |
Studi di storia
Edited book | Pius XI in the European crisis | Pius XI. im kontext der Europäischen Krise
Chapter | Die lehramtliche Verurteilung des «Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts»
The National Social Anti-Semitism was not a priority for the Vatican but it was nevertheless included in the wider question of the attitude of the Catholic Church towards the contemporary race ideologies and National Socialism. An important instance dates back to 1934 when the Myth of the Twentieth Century by Alfred Rosenberg was put into the Index. This ban can be interpreted as an effort to test the willingness of National Socialism to cooperate with the Church to build a peaceful relationship between the regime and the Church. However, another hypothesis can be proposed: including the Myth in the Index could have been not a planned act of the Vatican policy but a sort of ‘something that happened’ with negative consequences.
Language: it
Keywords Index Librorum Prohibitorum • Nationalsocialism • Rosenberg • Pacelli
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