Medieval and Modern Philologies

Series | Medieval and Modern Philologies
Volume 9 | Edited book | Contacts of Languages ​​- Contacts of Writings

Contacts of Languages ​​- Contacts of Writings

Multilingualism and Multigraphism from the Ancient Near East to Contemporary China
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Daniele Baglioni - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Olga Tribulato - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email

While language contacts are a classic topic in linguistics, less attention is paid to writing contacts, both because of the many skills (linguistic, palaeographical, ethno-anthropological) required of those studying them and because of an approach that interprets writing as ancillary to language. Hence the challenge of this volume: to bring together linguists from different fields with the twofold aim of offering a broad selection of the different forms of contact between languages and between scripts and, through comparison, to highlight the elements common to situations that are distant in time and space.

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-061-7 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-062-4 | Published Dec. 1, 2015 | Language it