Rivista | Rassegna iberistica
Fascicolo | 40 | 107 | 2017
Articolo | Jorge Luis Borges e l’anacronismo

Jorge Luis Borges e l’anacronismo


In a short story of Ficciones, Borges presents Pierre Menard, the author of a modern version of Don Quixote. A plagiarism or a deliberate paradoxical anachronism, that questions the whole history of literature through erroneous attributions. It is not an isolated case, as Borges uses the idea of plagiarism in another text: the Chronicles of Bustos Domecq, written with Bioy Casares, where the bold César Paladión seeks fame by publishing, at his expense, works manifestly written by others.

Open access

Presentato: 21 Dicembre 2016 | Pubblicato 29 Giugno 2017 | Lingua: it

Keywords AnachronismParadoxPlagiarismAttributionsDon Quixote

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