Rivista | Rassegna iberistica
Fascicolo | 38 | 103 | 2015
Articolo | Proust en las cartas de Julio Cortázar (1937-1954)

Proust en las cartas de Julio Cortázar (1937-1954)

Lectura plural y viaje temporal hacia la escritura


Analyzing the mentions of Proust in Julio Cortázar’s correspondance (between 1937 and 1954, epoch of his formation) allow to mitigate the relation of opposition which can be read in his critical work (Teoría del túnel). This will allow us to begin a textual and temporary journey between both authors but also in Cortázar’s own life. The mentions will allow to reconstruct the readings that Cortázar did of Proust’s work between Bolivar (Argentina) where he was teaching in 1937 and Venice in 1954, passing by Chivilcoy in 1940 and by Paris where he established himself definitively in 1951. This work could provide some reflections on the plurality of Cortázar’s writing. Also we will propose an analytical journey of convergences between two writings on the subjective sense of the reality and his relation with art and writing.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 25 Giugno 2015 | Lingua: es

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