Rivista | Quaderni Veneti
Fascicolo | 4 | 1 | 2015
Articolo | Giacomino da Verona e altri testi veronesi nel ms. Colombino 7-1-52. Descrizione del manoscritto e nota linguistica

Giacomino da Verona e altri testi veronesi nel ms. Colombino 7-1-52. Descrizione del manoscritto e nota linguistica


This article focuses on MS Seville Colombina 7-1-52, with particular attention to a corpus of seven Veronese didactic religious texts. The texts date from the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 14th century, while the manuscript was copied in North-Eastern Italy in the late-14th - early-15th century. The manuscript is linguistically hybrid: Veronese, Venetian or Venetian-like, Paduan and Emilian features are attested in it, which has to do with the manuscript tradition. The article contains a description of the manuscript, a linguistic study and a glossary. MS Seville Colombina 7-1-52 is systematically compared to the other three extant manuscripts witnessing the same texts.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 17 Giugno 2015 | Lingua: it

Keywords Old EmilianOld Veronese, Old VenetianMS Venice BN Marciana 4744Linguistic history of the Veneto regionManuscript traditionMS Seville Colombina 7-1-52Linguistic hybridism

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