MDCCC 1800

Rivista | MDCCC 1800
Fascicolo | 9 | 2020
Articolo | La lacuna di Notre-Dame come paradigma della complessità

La lacuna di Notre-Dame come paradigma della complessità

Imparare dai restauri ottocenteschi per l'intervento sul contemporaneo


The architectural preservation project regarding Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris in the mid-19th century by Lassus and Viollet-le-Duc constitutes a case-study of great interest not only for the analysis of the constructional choices that led to the final result but, above all, for the design managing and attitude that the two architects have maintained throughout the course of the intervention on the building. Analysing these restorations, and in particular the design methodology on the building, it could be of high interest due to the future restorations that the building will undergo, following the fire of April 2019. The main purpose of this article is therefore to make a careful critique of the design approach of restorations that are only apparently stylistic, in order to understand how the transformation of an asset is an architectural intervention that requires clear methodological rules in order to achieve the objectives related not only to the transformation or completion of the asset but also to its enhancement.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 21 Marzo 2020 | Accettato: 11 Settembre 2020 | Pubblicato 10 Dicembre 2020 | Lingua: it

Keywords XIX centuryStatueArchitectureDesignRestorationViollet-le-DucNotre-Dame

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